Thursday, October 10, 2019

Pistol Pete Pips Punters in Tipping Triumph

Well hi there all you Uglybaaaaaaaaaaaaaastaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaards it's Uglybustard here for the last post of 2019 outlaying the prize winners for this sensational season that woz.

Congratulations Pete Lewis!!!  Pete wins his first ever Uglybustards Premiership.  And he got the bloody GLAMARAMA cans as well!!!

It was nip 'n' 'ckn tuck there throughout the last few rounds and the finals series, but Pete come thru in the end defeating the valiant Andy, equal on points but Pete got the chockies with a superior margin.

Third place went to Timmoie, a name I've had trouble spelling all year, a punter who has been around a while without showing much, but really pulled out all stops after entering the prize pool this year missing the coveted Uglybustards guernsey by a single point!  Ahhhhhgggggggggggg.

Well done Podium.

Monday, July 15, 2019

2019 Sydney Brewery Beer Winner

Just 6 rounds til finals all youse UGLYBAAAAAAARSTAAAARDS!!!!!

The tension is mounting as it's looking like a race in 4 to get the coveted Uglybustards guernsey!

And in even more spectacular news I visited Sydney Brewery at 28 Albion Street Surry Hills the other week to draw the lucky door carton prize with Sydney Brewery Marketing Manager Richard Feyn.

And the winner is....

Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Free Beer! 2019 Prize Pool Finalised

Hi there all youse UglyBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrsstttaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaards!!!! 

The 2019 Prize Pool Deadline has been finalised and the inaugural draw for a carton of Sydney Brewery beer is on this Friday between 4 and 5pm at their esteemed 28 Albion Street Surry Hills premises!

Yes indeed, 18 paid up punters are eligible and a single winner will be drawn by Sydney Brewery Marketing Manager Richard Feyn, with NSW Government Lottery Agents in attendance to prevent any funny business.  Email if interested in attending.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

2019 Prize Pool Deadline

Hey there all youse UglyBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrsstttaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaards!!!!

The 2019 Prize Pool Deadline is looming, May 30th!  And Sydney Brewery have come to the party!

Because this is such a late reminder the Uglybustards Board of Directors, in its infinite wisdom, instead of sacking me for late notice have extended the deadline to cob Friday June 7th!! What a lunch of bed ends!!  Set your alarm bells!!!

Monday, March 18, 2019

2019 Ugly Bustards Footy Tipping

Here we are in a milestone year for Ugly Bustards Footy Tipping, our 20th year!!!!!!  How could 20 years go by so fast?

***Don't forget your tips before Thursday night's Blues Vs Tigers***

It is a year you want to win.  Do you have the right ingredients to be an Ugly Bustard?